This week the flu, I had managed to avoid for 2 months while my family dropped like flies, attacked me. It was only a mild case, but still, it was enough to keep me at home where it was warm and I didn't need to get out of my PJ's. This being the case I wasn't able to pull any eco friendly looks together to be photographed; 2x PJ looks wouldn't work. Plus I'm certain no-one would like to see me in my PJ's.
There is more to this weeks camera shyness, my PJ's do not cut the organic mustard. What I have is limited, cheap but comfy and not often worn. PJ's to me represent sickness, which is not my thing.
So I thought what if I was a PJ person? What organic and sustainable options are out there? Quite a lot it seems, which has convinced me to join in the PJ revolution and change my thinking. Now, I do use the term 'PJ's' loosely. For me, this part of my wardrobe needs to be worn not only at night, but also to pad around the house, snooze on the couch and perhaps even venture outside to my garden, which is easily viewed by neighbours and strangers alike. All the while remaining stylish... if that is possible. By becoming a PJ wearer I do not want to run into the trap of 'its easy to wear so let's throw it on, all together, all once, together...' type thing.
Another thought crossed my mind too; 'Is choosing organic slobbing out gear really necessary'. After reading this, you may think it is, like I do.
Untouched world's Organic Mountainsilk™, which is made from organic merino fibre is grown without the use of toxic, synthetic pesticides or herbicides. It's super soft, warm and easy to wash. What's more, it "quietly works to keep your body in perfect balance, so you don't need to think about what to wear to suit the weather". It breathes and keeps you cool (perfect when you're running a temp), but will also traps heat in to keep you warm when you're cold.

Untouched world's Ecopossum™ is an exclusive blend of fine merino wool and luxurious Brushtail possum fibre. Their Ecopossum socks feel as soft as cashmere and they won't pill, BRILLIANT I get tired of using all of my cellotape trying to get bobbles off my clothing. Although I struggled to think it ok to kill these little critters for my warmth, this soon changed my mind (taken directly from Untouched World™ website):
Why are possums a threat?
Possums eat their way through 17,000 tonnes of native vegetation each night, leaving just bare branches
The damage is so severe, possums can kill entire forests by defoliation within 20 years
With no flowers, berries or nectar left, native bird populations have nothing to eat
Possums are omnivores and also consume the eggs and chicks of our endangered native bird species
They attack adult birds in the nest in order to reach the chicks and eggs
They have contributed significantly towards the registering of several new species of native birds on the endangered list
They prey upon our rare native invertebrates such as weta and land snails
They spread cattle disease
Much of the control of possums has been through broadcast toxic chemicals, which New Zealand wants to reduce or eliminate. By utilising Brushtail possum fur, Untouched World™ is contributing to a reduction in the use of broadcast poisons; and to the effort to protect our native forest and birds.
So there you go, sorry possums I'm wearing you.
Organic cotton is grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides from plants that are not generically modified. Organic cotton can only be grown on a certified planation that meets all the standards for organic crop production within their country. A perfect example is the Kowtow cotton farm http://www.kowtow.co.nz/about/?sub=organic

Everyone should have fabulous T's in their wardrobe. Completely versatile and great PJ top substitutes. The Kowtow organic cotton T's are fun, colourful and super eco-friendly. I love the messages the graphics send too.

Pure silk has been treasured for thousands of years because it's beautiful, soft, smooth and luxurious against your skin. It keeps you warm and cool, naturally, as you need it. If you have sensitive skin, silk is perfect too, and no one (unless you're a true goddess) has gorgeous skin when you're sick. Why not feel gorgeous on your skin. I'm liking the idea of silk slips, feminine and pretty, husband's sure to approve too.
Bamboo fabric is made from the fibers of bamboo grass, and is softer and more sustainable than cotton. It grows so fast - up to one foot every 24 hours - it is one of the most renewable resources on the planet. It also produces 30% more oxygen than a hardwood forest on the same amount of land. How about that!
Here's some bamboo clothes.

I have now decided I don't have to be sick to wear PJ's (or my version of) anytime I like. My family, neighbours and the odd stranger walking past can now expect to see me wearing a mixture of these organic clothes.
Get in there and try some yourself.
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